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Tackling Terminologies Part 2

Some MORE important Terminologies that are related to the different Learning Theories we should know:

Multiple intelligences 

Based on Gardner's Theory there are eight different intelligences that function independent of each other linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal

Self-efficacy: A student's belief that he or she can succeed in a particular task or goal. The student must know what actions to perform and how well these actions need to be performed.
  • Relates to students' choices, effort, persistence and quality of problem solving on tasks
  • Students with high self -efficacy tend to take more control over their learning, try to find better study habits and extend more effort (increases motivation and metacognition) 

The idea that students are active knowledge producers and able to construct their own knowledge, ideas and concepts.
  • Teachers are acting as facilitators and providing students the bricks (like ideas, instruction, concepts), but letting them lay the bricks down themselves 


Transfer: When knowledge acquired in context (knowledge or skills gained in school) is transferred to another context (knowledge or skills used in the workplace or in life situations)

Strategies for Transfer of Learning:

  • "Cleaning Up" 
  • Continually removing irrelevant elements in the learning context but keeping relevant and authentic element 
Authenticity & Relevance 
  • Emphasize what is being learned applies to situations outside school 
  • Help relate content and procedures to students' individual experiences 
Cultural Practices
  • Create an effective and inclusive learning environment that is consistent with students' cultural practices 
  • Use of the students' Funds of Knowledge, values, traditions and learning goals 
Big Ideas
  • Draw connections to and reflect on the bid ideas and concepts behind the facts and procedures 

* Reference: James P. Brynes, Cognitive Development and Learning in Instructional Contexts (3rd Edition)


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